
Joshua Cook Cook من عند Mirit, Mirit, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, إندونيسيا من عند Mirit, Mirit, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, إندونيسيا

قارئ Joshua Cook Cook من عند Mirit, Mirit, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, إندونيسيا

Joshua Cook Cook من عند Mirit, Mirit, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, إندونيسيا


A really terrific, quick, fun read. A mystery, but not just for mystery fans only. It is the story of Sally Lockhart and a cast of other characters, some very real and some very dickensian. It is full of fun victoriana -- if you like that sort of thing. Phillip Pullman, though I tend to disagree with him sometimes, is a master story teller -- he is at his best when he is not trying to prove a point. This book fits that description -- a good story from start to finish with a believably strong, yet vulnerable female at the helm -- faced with one of the most implacably evil characters in modern fiction. Very fun stuff. I am going to see if the others in the series are just as good.