
Aamir Mansuri Mansuri من عند Periyanayagipuram, Tamil Nadu, الهند من عند Periyanayagipuram, Tamil Nadu, الهند

قارئ Aamir Mansuri Mansuri من عند Periyanayagipuram, Tamil Nadu, الهند

Aamir Mansuri Mansuri من عند Periyanayagipuram, Tamil Nadu, الهند


I thought this book was great to read. I learned a lot about meth and addiction. I did think that David Sheff shouldn't have kept talking about meth because I wanted to hear the story more


I loved this book! One of the best children's books I've read in a long time. Everyone should have a teacher like Mrs. Baker! I highly recommend this book because it was funny, touching, heartbreaking and more all in one story.