
Little Ship Ship من عند Tham Rong, Ban Lat District, Phetchaburi, تايلاند من عند Tham Rong, Ban Lat District, Phetchaburi, تايلاند

قارئ Little Ship Ship من عند Tham Rong, Ban Lat District, Phetchaburi, تايلاند

Little Ship Ship من عند Tham Rong, Ban Lat District, Phetchaburi, تايلاند


Fionn is a fae cursed by his queen Danu, cause he has bedded her favourite attendant. Now he can't find release unless another wishes it to be so. And he will be summoned by an enchatment written in a book and obliged to realize a wish of the man or woman who has summoned him. For the last centuries, every man who has summoned Fionn has wished something that doesn't involve the sex release of Fionn. So he is very angry and horny. Now Michael, an antiquarian has unwillingly summoned him, but he doesn't want nothing, nothing of material. But Michael is gay and Fionn is a very, very handsome far, so maybe Michael's wish could be also Fionn's satisfaction. And so it goes, but after one wish, Fionn must return to his realm, Tir-Na-Nog and Michael remain in the human world. But now Fionn has learned a way to elude Danu's curse, and he will work to be summoned more often from this moment on. A very brief but funny tale with an open end: will Fionn find a way to be summoned again? and Michael is only a good memory or we will see him again?


The concept was original. Vaughan has a good crack at the ideas he explores, which is tricky really because the comparisons between freedom, captivity, liberation, security can easily be labelled as trite if not handled carefully. I think he does pretty well. I did find the rape scene very jarring, maybe that was the intention, but to me it took one step too many toward a very disturbingly all too human scene played out by lions. I'm no great art critic. I've got more of a draughtsman's eye for pretty pictures. So when I hear people complaining about the Disney/Lion King artwork all I can really muster in defence of the artwork is 'Hey, they look like lions to me.' Great action, entertaining, thought provoking and looks good. I don't think Vaughan is quite up to his previous standards but I think some slack is warranted considering the subject matter. Love the scene with the bear.