
Oussama Leksibi Leksibi من عند Case Pellizzari TV, إيطاليا من عند Case Pellizzari TV, إيطاليا

قارئ Oussama Leksibi Leksibi من عند Case Pellizzari TV, إيطاليا

Oussama Leksibi Leksibi من عند Case Pellizzari TV, إيطاليا


Well, since Nick read this book about a year ago, and was deeply influenced by Jane Addams's thinking, TYAHH has been on my short list for awhile. Because Addams has become so important to Nick, he's talked about her with me a lot; as a result, reading TYAHH for the first time felt like a familiar experience. Perhaps I'd be giving an additional star if my reading were a mind-blowing first encounter with JA; however, that's not to say that I didn't enjoy the book. My favorite chapters were the ones where JA discusses how Hull House, the settlement she founded to serve the slums of Chicago, functioned as an all-purpose community center, offering classes, recreation, and community - Ray Oldenburg's "third place" meets the 92nd Street Y. I was also fascinated by the child advocacy issues JA became occupied with - she describes in detail the oppressive conditions of early twentieth century factory work that basically threatened the notion of childhood, and makes a strong case for preserving the innocence of the child and the value of leisure and play in the lives of children. The latter point was especially compelling to me, as I've been encountering it a lot recently in the readings I've been doing for work on play-based early learning.


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