
Lambuja من عند Binginapalli, Andhra Pradesh, الهند من عند Binginapalli, Andhra Pradesh, الهند

قارئ Lambuja من عند Binginapalli, Andhra Pradesh, الهند

Lambuja من عند Binginapalli, Andhra Pradesh, الهند


هذا الكتاب جوهرة مطلقة ، فهو يجسد التحامل والخوف من الثقافات تمامًا. قرأت هذا الكتاب منذ وقت طويل ومرات عديدة منذ ذلك الحين. كل ما يمكنني قوله هو أنه في كل مرة أقرأها ، كان الأمر يشبه قراءتها للمرة الأولى. مكتوبة بشكل مثير للدهشة


I had some mixed emotions while I read this book. Adder is one of those books that is hard for me to rate. I really liked it, until the close to the end, then a character did something I didn’t care for and well it kind of dampened my feelings toward it. I keep trying to remember that Rock Stars aren’t like you and me. Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll is usually the creed they live by, so of course they don’t have the same thinking process any normal person like you or I might have. Adder is a wild, talented, sarcastic, horny, spoiled brat, scene stealer and well for no better word, SLUT. (He even admits this) I could help but love his zest for life and his flirtatious manner. He’s one of those characters that is so easy to become addicted to reading about what crazy situation they end up having. For all of his boldness and blatant sexuality, Adder basically wants to be loved, and to love someone. But, since he is afraid of the “L” word, he has sex with anything that he fancies. Adder is known for his wild angst on stage. In the first scene of the book, he is literally fist fighting with the drummer during one of their concerts. Because of Adder’s colorful personality, the crowd loves him and usually encourages Adder’s outrageous behavior, and Adder being the character he is…is never one to deny his fans of what they expect from him. When one of his band members mention Kalil to be their next drummer, Adder agrees to Kalil auditioning for them. The moment Adder lays eyes on Kalil he is immediately fascinated with him. Not only is Kalil the best drummer he has ever heard, but he is everything Adder is attracted to in a man. Unfortunately, for Adder Kalil refuses to sleep with band mates. But, Adder never takes no for an answer so he pursues Kalil heavily until he gets his way. You can’t help but like Adder. It makes sense that he and Kalil are together. Even with the communication problems they have with one another, they fit together pretty well. Of course, they have a pretty intense sexual relationship, and that never hurts either. The storyline is interesting. I enjoyed watching Adder, Kalil and the rest of the band become a success. Adder and Kalil’s fear of rejection and communication problems drove me crazy sometimes, but otherwise I really enjoyed their relationship and reading this book. I wasn’t crazy how Adder made Kalil reveal his feelings for him, but that is me. I understand where he was coming from, but it still bothered me…even if he is a Rock Star.


Overall, a good book. I think I just wasn't expecting the ending AT ALL and it threw me off.