
من عند Benešov u Semil, جمهورية التشيك من عند Benešov u Semil, جمهورية التشيك

قارئ من عند Benešov u Semil, جمهورية التشيك

من عند Benešov u Semil, جمهورية التشيك


The Dead Boys was a very quick read. I read it in about 4 hours. It was definitely a young adult book. Though there was no romance or even a girl in the book, it was still a very interesting storyline. Tree grows by sucking the radiation out of the river. Accidentally comes across a drowning boy and realizes the energy of the boy is even better than the radiation, therefore, lures other boys through the years to suck their energy as well, but making sure not to kill its victims. Then Teddy moves to town and he's a perfect candidate. Without spoiling it, I can tell you that the ending is the best part. I'd recommend this book to anyone; young or old.


Of course, this set of short stories is beautifully written and thought provoking. It is written by Margaret Atwood after all. Some of the stories, like "The Headless Horseman" and "The Other Place" are simply stunning but in truth, I prefer Atwood's long fiction.


One of the ten best books of any category that I've read.