
Isaacmahow Monta Monta من عند Aboboreira, البرتغال من عند Aboboreira, البرتغال

قارئ Isaacmahow Monta Monta من عند Aboboreira, البرتغال

Isaacmahow Monta Monta من عند Aboboreira, البرتغال


I was excited to read this book because the introduction said it wasn't a book based on the movie. The movie was based on this book. But after four chapters I finally had to stop - it was so dry. This isn't a novel at all. I thought it was going to be a novel because on the back it says "based on the extraordinary true story..." It was like reading a documentary. The style of the book was really choppy - with stories and then quotes. I was really disappointed because a novel based on these events (even if it used the direct quotes Tec received in her research) would be really interesting and intriguing. ------------------ "In an age when the term "hero" has been so overused as to become meaningless, the Bielskis remind us that real heroism is not the stuf of comic books. Raather, it is a set of deciions, sometimes impulsice, often made b simple men of whom notheing of the sort could ever have been expected. Their story is not simply one of courage or fortitude in the face of adversity; it includes any number of daunting moral decisions - wherther to seek vengencance or to rescue, how to re-create a sense of community among those who have lost everything, how to maintain hope when all seems forsaken." -Edward Zwick (movie producer)


Read in a surreptitious corner of the Strand. Enjoyable.


weird, this guy is stealing babies and selling them to parents who can't conceive.... it was ok. i didn't finish it. i think it was due at the library before i left for vaca or something. but i'm not heartbroken that i didn't finish it, so that says something.