
Olga Davydova Davydova من عند Lamongan Regency, East Java, إندونيسيا من عند Lamongan Regency, East Java, إندونيسيا

قارئ Olga Davydova Davydova من عند Lamongan Regency, East Java, إندونيسيا

Olga Davydova Davydova من عند Lamongan Regency, East Java, إندونيسيا


What an incredible self serving book this was. Michael Abrashoff is a charismatic person, and he signed my copy of the book, but when I read it, I found very little value that translated to take away lessons. He communicate the following to me, though, 1) listen to everyone you happen to lead. 2) don't let status of a person affect your assessment of what they had to say (listen to everyone equally). 3) people are not always work work work all the time, sometimes they need lobster and steak.