
JM Design E Comunica Design E Comunica من عند Pedamadduru, Andhra Pradesh 522020، الهند من عند Pedamadduru, Andhra Pradesh 522020، الهند

قارئ JM Design E Comunica Design E Comunica من عند Pedamadduru, Andhra Pradesh 522020، الهند

JM Design E Comunica Design E Comunica من عند Pedamadduru, Andhra Pradesh 522020، الهند


لقد قرأت كل H.P. الكتب. كما ذكرت من قبل ، لا أعتقد أن هذه هي أفضل الكتب المكتوبة. ومع ذلك ، فإن أطفالي يحبون القصص ، وأعتقد أن القصص والشخصيات مقنعة. لقد قرأت جميع الكتب بصوت عالٍ لأطفالي.


a friend of mine in school told me about this book and how fascinating she found all that went on behind the scene in the fashion world. and since i am studying fashion i checked it out and after reading blindness i wanted something easy to read , and this book is all that , its a good read, its nothing deep but it gives you such an amazing glimpse into the fashion world and it gives you quite a bit of info on how things work if you are interested in working in fashion in anyway , i thoroughly enjoyed it and i was actually sad that i read it as fast as i did.


read for my online lit class, but had it in the back of my head to read after seeing Precious. Sapphire doesn't hold back at all. The book was a lot more explicit than the movie (i guess, duh), but had to be in order to really get inside what's going with this girl. I really, really enjoyed it and Sapphire's ability to make the reader connect with this character is phenomenal considering her pretty extraordinary and devastating circumstances.