
Brunno Bezerra Busar Bezerra Busar من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Brunno Bezerra Busar Bezerra Busar من عند نيويورك

Brunno Bezerra Busar Bezerra Busar من عند نيويورك


Can't I give this half a star? No matter how many times I have tried to start this book... I cant' seem to finish this. I will read one or two pages before I get frustrated with the characters and want to move on to something else. Maybe I am trying to read this at the wrong time in my life. Maybe I am not old and whiny yet. I feel like a failure for not finishing this book but I am feeling like life is too short to read sub par books. If this hadn't been assigned for a bookclub book, I would have no problem walking away from it. But no. I am a bookclub failure. In my defense, I've read 3 or 4 REALLY GOOD books in the time allotted and I think that justifies not seeing this one to the end. For that reason I am marking this book as "read" so that I can stop feeling guilty seeing it in my "currently reading" pile...


As with most books with this status, I struggle to say anything for fear of being trite. Suffice it to say that it drove me absolutely completely crazy, but I still enjoyed it immensely. Also, whoever has my copy needs to give it back.