Mia Wodstrup Wodstrup من عند Badabil, Odisha 754018، الهند
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** spoiler alert ** This series is seriously giving me hives and an eye twitch. I hate it with a mad weasel passion! The Julius House is slooooow. It took Charlaine until page 106 to remember she was supposed to be writing a mystery series. Until then, it's just Aurora adjusting to her married life. In fact, the first 30 - 40 pages are simply about Aurora buying a wedding gift for Martin. She buys his childhood farm under false pretenses and the only reason Martin apparently wanted the farm was to keep his step-dad from living there. And the only reason the step-dad wanted to keep living there was to keep Martin and his sister from living there. Petty. Martin now has his family farm and it is not mentioned again. What in the hell is he planning on doing with it? No one knows, nor cares. Martin's secrets really aren't that interesting, nor was I surprised. He's already shown in the previous book that he's manipulative and kinda skeezy. But the insipid Aurora "LOVES him" as she reminds us constantly in the first 30 pages. She tells the reader on nearly every page that she misses him, and misses him, and she misses him. And she LOVES him so much. And the sex is good. And she misses him. I was nauseated for the first half of the novel. I grinded my teeth together when she searched for his ex-wife just to see what she looked like, also under false pretenses. I truly did not care where the Julius family went. At least if they had been beamed up on a spaceship, it would have been more believable and more engaging. Also, why do the bad guys always confess when Aurora shows up? In the second novel, the bad guy is confessing while Aurora is helping deliver a baby. Lame! One clue gives this "mystery" away like a giant blinking sign. After that, there is absolutely no reason to read the rest of the book. I was near page 200 before the ax-wielding maniac shows up. By that point, I was so bored and put out with the protagonist, I was cheering for the ax-wielding maniac. "OFF WITH HER HEAD! GET HER GET HER!" Sadly, I was disappointed. Since I already have a good froth of indignation built up, what's up with her word choices? I can't find the page number now, and don't really desire to search for it..but she describes a truck as lurid. Lurid means shocking and gruesome. I skimmed back through the previous page or so to try to find any indication that something had happened in the truck that I missed because I tuned out...to find no other references to the truck. Did I just misread the word? Nope. There it was in black and white. Lurid truck. Charlaine, honey, did your editor just give up at that point? My friend loaned me one more book in the series (Dead Over Heels). Although I am stubborn and usually complete a series once I start it, I think I'm going to return them now. I feel I've suffered enough.