
Bernardo Soriano Soriano من عند Sarıharman Köyü, 04000 Sarıharman Köyü/Ağrı Merkez/Ağrı, تركيا من عند Sarıharman Köyü, 04000 Sarıharman Köyü/Ağrı Merkez/Ağrı, تركيا

قارئ Bernardo Soriano Soriano من عند Sarıharman Köyü, 04000 Sarıharman Köyü/Ağrı Merkez/Ağrı, تركيا

Bernardo Soriano Soriano من عند Sarıharman Köyü, 04000 Sarıharman Köyü/Ağrı Merkez/Ağrı, تركيا


The Immortal Rules! How can I contain my fangirl?!? Seriously ya’ll, Zompires and a kick a$$ Katana welding heroine! If that’s not enough to convince you to read TIR, then you’re seriously going to miss out on awesomeness at EPIC proportions, just sayin.’ Allison Sekemoto is a perfect example of a kick a$$ chick. Which left me thinking Katniss who? Allie had the bravery and strength even when she was a human. I mean, she made it that long being a human, living off the streets, savaging for food. She could have gone the safe route and become a Registered and donated her blood to the vampires in exchange for food. But she didn’t, every day was a fight to survive, to live. Turning into a vampire didn’t change that, but now she is not the “weak” one. I liked how she was always truthful with herself. We all know those vampire who say “oh, I don’t feed off humans; I’m on a veggie diet.” How naive, that’s nice and all but be realistic. VAMPIRES NEED HUMAN BLOOD to survive, it’s good for them, it has vitamin C and protein lol we’ve all seen it, the vampires that resist eventually go mad and go on a killing spree, then depression & self-loathing*sigh boring.* Kanin, her sire, taught her that she has a choice, it’s better to have control over the hunger than to cave and be a monster. Allie has many redeeming qualities and triumphs. For someone who’s supposed to be a killer/monster I sure love her! #TeamAllie! There’s no love triangle! I like Kanin, but I see him as a mentor not a love interest. Zeke on the other hand, my heart swells for him. The things he goes through on a personal level with his “father.” It’s sad, I would have never known because he is so charming and courageous. Thinks of others…Allie and Zeke make the perfect match. I loved The Iron Fey series but I think TIR is even better! Julie is a mastermind! Can you get anymore brilliant Julie? Lol I highly recommend everyone to read this. If you’re tired of vampires, don’t be! TIR is NOT your average vampy tale!