
Emily Edwards Edwards من عند İmambekirli Köyü, 33940 İmambekirli Köyü/Silifke/Mersin, تركيا من عند İmambekirli Köyü, 33940 İmambekirli Köyü/Silifke/Mersin, تركيا

قارئ Emily Edwards Edwards من عند İmambekirli Köyü, 33940 İmambekirli Köyü/Silifke/Mersin, تركيا

Emily Edwards Edwards من عند İmambekirli Köyü, 33940 İmambekirli Köyü/Silifke/Mersin, تركيا


I liked it. It was quick read. It definitely was not as good as the first book Dangerous Grounds in my opinion but was still satisified with the read. Not disappointed that I bought it either.


the book to me was corny but perfer the movie. the book was too long and the language made it even harder for me to keep up with. But the movie was good and huck running off with his best friend who is a runaway slave and hucks rich aunt trying to find him and people trying to find the slave. so neither were in good hands with eahother. But they over come obstacles and make it out okay.