Laura Braun Braun من عند Khad Khambhaliya, Gujarat 365630، الهند
أنا حقا أحب هذا الكتاب حتى النهاية. ثم اعتقدت أنها حصلت على معاداة الولايات المتحدة. اعتقدت أن القصة كانت تثير اهتمامها دون أن تنشرها في النهاية. لقد استمتعت حقًا بكيفية كتابتها. قيل كل فصل من قبل شخصية مختلفة. أحببت القراءة عن إفريقيا ، بالطبع!
** spoiler alert ** Honestly, I felt like the first half of this book was stuff that I had head from other people. All good stuff, just not new to me. And all the "It" talk was starting to get annoying. But, the second half of this book was much better particularly, chapters 7 - 12. I found Part three: what it means to get it back & guard it especially challenging. One other thing that really stood out to me - Chapter 7: Innovative minds: you'll do anything for it - under Too much of a good thing can kill it - p. 102 Outwardly, they were improved; inwardly they developed an immunity to the fever that once had driven them. The weekend experiences used to be rougher around the edges. Now they were professionally produced with dress rehearsals and detailed tech and sound checks. Even with all these "better" tools, the church lost something. They appeared slick, produced, and lacking what had made them special before. Their "it" had quit.