
Farhan Latif Latif من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Farhan Latif Latif من عند نيويورك

Farhan Latif Latif من عند نيويورك


My second favorite novel. Not a vampire book (thank god), not erotica (although I own all of her erotica and I like it a lot) -- Belinda is another great book about a screwed up, extraordinary young girl. Part of any girl's ultimate education, I should think. :) Great, sweeping story that never felt contrived (i.e. Danielle Steel) but would appeal to the same market. A bit on the fringe for the most conservative reader, but still quite commercial. A great book, by a woman, about a man, who lives and loves for one woman. As always, has a great touch of sensuality that you can never leave far behind with Anne Rice.