
We Do Punch Bitches Do Punch Bitches من عند Skanör, السويد من عند Skanör, السويد

قارئ We Do Punch Bitches Do Punch Bitches من عند Skanör, السويد

We Do Punch Bitches Do Punch Bitches من عند Skanör, السويد


My very favorite novel of all time. So deep. So insightful. If you have seen the movie you will still want to read the book, especially if your version has the "extra" much debated about chapter.


Finally finished rereading this one. I've read it several times, but this is the first time that I really noticed just how whiny and dramatic Harry is about everything. However, I don't fault him for it: he's 15 and dealing with a lot if frustrating crap with practically no parental support. I can't say that my 15-year-old self would have acted any differently.