
Vitaliy Chubko Chubko من عند Plotava, Moskovskaya oblast', روسيا، 142632 من عند Plotava, Moskovskaya oblast', روسيا، 142632

قارئ Vitaliy Chubko Chubko من عند Plotava, Moskovskaya oblast', روسيا، 142632

Vitaliy Chubko Chubko من عند Plotava, Moskovskaya oblast', روسيا، 142632


Book two in the Parker series. What can I say? Cold. Brutal. And yet...Parker has his professional scruples. Book two's Parker is less emotional than the vengeance driven verion in The Hunter. The buying of guns, the planning, etc., are all made fascinating through dialogue, character, and setting. As many have pointed out, this novel is actually two stories linked by Parker's attempt to get a new face (the mob is after him due to his scorched earth actions in the previous novel). Since this book was written back in the early sixties, there are some interesting time capsule moments, like an earlier real estate bubble in Florida, and the kind of jerks that took advantage of it. Some things never change. Take comfort, one jerk gets his, via Parker. Actually, more than one.