
Gabriela Cameron Cameron من عند Bukovče, صربيا من عند Bukovče, صربيا

قارئ Gabriela Cameron Cameron من عند Bukovče, صربيا

Gabriela Cameron Cameron من عند Bukovče, صربيا


سام + ديفيد awwww


best ABC book... ever!


Growing up far from the urban centers of rock and roll, we didn't hear this music on the radio, and punk rock didn't do many shows on our shores, so all we had were the magazines like Creem to describe the music in the language of poets, including the incomparable Ms. Smith. She made me want to be an artist, a writer, a woman without compromise, and carved the path for many other girls in her footsteps.


cool-o-rama!!! sometimes a bit on the J side, but a definite page-turner! supernatural mystery with a dash of horro (but not too much for me!)