
Rebecca Rowe Rowe من عند 25070 Belprato BS, إيطاليا من عند 25070 Belprato BS, إيطاليا

قارئ Rebecca Rowe Rowe من عند 25070 Belprato BS, إيطاليا

Rebecca Rowe Rowe من عند 25070 Belprato BS, إيطاليا


Recommended to me by several people after the death of my son, Zach. I am still in the grieving process for my son who died at age 22 this past October, 2008. This book can be considered controversial for those who take it literally, like the bible. I choose to read it as fiction. It opened doors in my mind that help me with my grieving. I thought it was well done. I have since bought several copies and have past them out to others. If you are grieving and read this book, I hope it speaks to you and gives you some comfort.