
Tessa Persoons Persoons من عند Karitoran, Uttar Pradesh, الهند من عند Karitoran, Uttar Pradesh, الهند

قارئ Tessa Persoons Persoons من عند Karitoran, Uttar Pradesh, الهند

Tessa Persoons Persoons من عند Karitoran, Uttar Pradesh, الهند


Wow. This book was amazing. The character was so easy to fall into, I was within her world by page 2. It was graphic at times, but it needed to be. Frankie bugged me, though. I wanted him to just totally vannish for most of the book. It was SO unfair what he did to Robin. Ugh. And the ending was unsatisfactory. I wanted Tri to come back! And what about Melissa? Ehhhh. The ending left a LOT open. And while normally I like some open-endedness to a book, this was beyond my happiness zone.