Emanuel Roman Roman من عند Monfaucon, فرنسا
هذا الكتاب رائع! اعتقدت انه سيكون من الغباء لسبب ما. ربما لأن العنوان يستحضر صوراً عن إنجلترا الفيكتورية بينما في الواقع يدور حول مراهق خنثى يوناني أمريكي. على أي حال ، لقد قرأت ذلك لأن كل شخص بدا أنه أعجب به كثيرًا. فعلت ايضا تدور أحداث القصة في الوقت المناسب ، حيث يتأرجح الراوي بين حياته الحالية وقصص أجداده وأهله وأخيراً طفولته. أنا أحب وأكره هذا النوع من القفز على الوقت - من المهم معرفة كل تفاصيل الخلفية هذه من أجل فهم بطل الرواية ، ولكني أشعر دائمًا أنه بمجرد أن ينتقل التركيز من الوالد إلى الطفل ، يصبح الوالد (أو أي شخص) فجأة ثنائي الأبعاد ، على الرغم من أنها كانت مثيرة للاهتمام ومضحكة مؤخرًا. هذا يحدث عدة مرات في هذا الكتاب. عموما رغم أنه رائع. وصف نشأتك قبل عدة عقود واكتشاف الذات في تلك البيئة جيد حقًا. يسعدني أنه في عدة أجزاء من العالم ، توجد مجتمعات لهؤلاء الأشخاص وطرق لفهم بعضهم البعض ولكي يفهمنا الآخرون. يجب أن يكون كابوسا في أي مكان أو في أي مكان آخر.
I wish GR offered half stars! This is def. between 3.5 and 4 stars for me, but I rounded up because I thought it deserved the extra push. What a great little find. I saw this book at a book store and thought it looked interesting so I got it from the library. Calle is a great protaganist who is growing up in a crazy situation and is able to handle herself with humor and grace. I wanted to smack Sam during most of the book, but then I remembered he is in high school and for most people HS really sucks. I liked all of Calle's friends and how supportive they became of her. I also liked the mystery of her father. Who is he and what is he about? The ending was interesting and I am I am still not sure what I think about it, but that can be a good thing. I wasn't really into the whole song book at the begining of every chapter, but I agree with the author that music really helps you identify with people and places in the past like nothing else in the world. I see the author has a new book coming out soon and I def. plan to check it out.
I read this in less than a day, and it was my favorite so far of the "Cat who..." books. I really enjoyed it. I'm about to start on the next...
I am not fond of this author's books. But this book isn't bad one. It has so many flashbacks (not my favourite), it's about a man who wants to know what happened to his neighbor who was raped, no one know who did this, only the family (of teenager who was raped) know the truth. He found the truth 15 years later. It was very interesting, it was dull in the beginning, you have to bear with it for while, then middle of the story got better and it got easier to read from there.
Can't go wrong with a classic