
Cathinka S S من عند Boża Wola, بولندا من عند Boża Wola, بولندا

قارئ Cathinka S S من عند Boża Wola, بولندا

Cathinka S S من عند Boża Wola, بولندا


أنا من المعجبين بالمسلسل التلفزيوني وهذا هو أول كتاب يعتمد على المسلسل الذي قرأته. أحب أن تكون مكتوبة بصوت ناتالي وأعتقد أن ذلك تم بشكل جيد للغاية. أعتقد أنه بسبب ذلك ، لا تبدو بعض الشخصيات الأخرى صحيحة دائمًا ... إنها قريبة ، لكن يبدو أن هناك شيئًا ما قليلًا في مونك أو ستوتليماير. قراءة جيدة ورفيق للمسلسل ولكن ليس بديلاً للعرض (أو لأسرار أخرى سواء بالنسبة لهذه المسألة).


Whitehead is a wonderful writer, though he does, in this work, have a slight tendency towards being a bit self-indulgent, in terms of going on at length about any number of minute topics. Since this work is at least somewhat autobiographical, I can't help but think that Whitehead's immediate and intense interest in exploring the physical and social landscape of an important place in his past blinded him to how uninteresting minutia about such a topic can be if the reader has absolutely no shared frame of reference. It's really in the middle portion of the book that Whitehead goes on and on in a way that I couldn't help but be bored by. Perhaps, Whitehead's comic language, so copious throughout the rest of the novel, slowed down a bit in that section and the tone became more ruminative, more for the benefit of those who already know Sag Harbor: Remember this? Remember that? I'm all for the quiet story or novel, but this novel took that concept a little far at times. Having said that, I did enjoy the beginning and end of the book immensely and think that Whitehead is a fantastic writer and that the book is worth reading for its rich language and thematic content.


Ugh. So many cliff-hanging, minuscule chapters. Just too "dramatic" for my taste.