
Jeffrey Ace Fulgar Ace Fulgar من عند Suyal Bari, Uttarakhand, الهند من عند Suyal Bari, Uttarakhand, الهند

قارئ Jeffrey Ace Fulgar Ace Fulgar من عند Suyal Bari, Uttarakhand, الهند

Jeffrey Ace Fulgar Ace Fulgar من عند Suyal Bari, Uttarakhand, الهند


It comes a cross as a poorly written self-help book for children/teens (in all fairness, that could be due to the English translation): follow your dreams and search for your treasure which (guess what) is right in front of you, yada yada yada. Bah. This book is an overly simplistic, self-indulgent and repetitive load of religious mumbo-jumbo written in the style of a modern-day fairy tale, of sorts. It is beyond me how it became a best-seller any why anyone are actually able to enjoy it. I wonder how many of the +30 mio. people who got sucked into buying and reading this book (such as myself) actually enjoyed it. I want my money and time back mr. Coelho!