
Ren من عند Biritiyan Bithoor, Uttar Pradesh 209217، الهند من عند Biritiyan Bithoor, Uttar Pradesh 209217، الهند

قارئ Ren من عند Biritiyan Bithoor, Uttar Pradesh 209217، الهند

Ren من عند Biritiyan Bithoor, Uttar Pradesh 209217، الهند


أوصي بهذا الكتاب ببساطة لأنه يصل إلى سيناريوهات الآخرة. ومع ذلك ، فإن بعض المفاجآت بعيدة المنال ، لذلك أوصي بالتحفظات.


One of the best peices of non-fiction I've ever read. The Gulag is an acronym that refers to a system of Soviet prison camps set up during the Stalinist purges. If you want an idea of how much the Russian people have been through in the 20th century- this book is a must. Tough to get through... long and intense. If you want the jist of it, read "One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich". I felt like a Jew reading about the Holocaust- just kind of biased because I could sort of imagine this whole thing going down. Also- my parents were fiercely anti-communist did everything to escape the country because of the legacy that Stalin and the Gulag left.


Absolutely amazing. Boo power, Ghost pomps, running from an ice cream monsters butt. Greatest book in the world. Take that War and Peace.