
Ahmed Abd Elmonem Abd Elmonem من عند Danişment Köyü, 74510 Danişment Köyü/Kurucaşile/Bartın, تركيا من عند Danişment Köyü, 74510 Danişment Köyü/Kurucaşile/Bartın, تركيا

قارئ Ahmed Abd Elmonem Abd Elmonem من عند Danişment Köyü, 74510 Danişment Köyü/Kurucaşile/Bartın, تركيا

Ahmed Abd Elmonem Abd Elmonem من عند Danişment Köyü, 74510 Danişment Köyü/Kurucaşile/Bartın, تركيا


** المفسد في حالة تأهب ** سريع القراءة ، قام مؤلف هذا الكتاب بالمخاطر عند كتابته. على الرغم من كونه رواية للأحداث ، إلا أن هذا الكتاب يتناول بعض الموضوعات الصعبة. بداية من وجهة نظر Wren ، وهي فتاة تم اختطافها عن طريق الخطأ أثناء جلوسها في سيارة والدتها ، ينتهي بها المطاف في مرآب المجرم - رجل له زوجة وزوجة من عمر Wren. هذا الجزء من الكتاب صارخ و guttural - منفعل جدا لكتاب مخصص للقارئ الشاب. يتم سرد الجزء الثاني من الكتاب من وجهة نظر درة (ابنة المجرم) ، والذي يتضمن موضوعات مثل سوء المعاملة والوالد الذي يذهب إلى السجن. يتناوب الجزء الثالث من الكتاب بين وين ودارا ، اللذين التقيا في المخيم بعد سنوات. من الصعب مواجهة الشخص الذي تشعر بأنه يجب عليك أن تكرهه بشدة ، وأخبرته هيلين فروست بشكل جميل.


My first Martin Amis, and I think, given his patriarchal theme, I will stick with his dad Kingsley in future. Amis is bold - no question - dealing with subjects such as incest, gratuitious violence, rage, drug abuse, pornography, impotence, spousal rape. He even invents his own language for the character k8 (Kate) which is witty after you figure it out.He enters the world of porn with terms like Blackeye, Cockout, Redface, Boxback, Yellow tongue, Facial - some explained, others left to our imagination. His descriptions are equally visceral; he describes a planeload of disembarking passengers as " the tube of canned sex emptied in relays of tits, pits and zits " Four of the five disparate story strands sort of came together in the end, while the fifth one about the crashing airliner, didn't connect at all, and I wondered why it was there - further proof of male superiority, even from the grave? My issue with this book was that everyone in it (except for baby Sophia) is a bad, twisted person and I am not sure if anyone was redeemed in the end - so why bother? And the writer demonstrated arrogance in starting his scenes anywhere he damned well cared, letting the reader hang on for dear life and try and fit all the pieces together. I dislike all this "work" when reading to be entertained, educated and enlightened. I guess, in writing this book, Amis displayed his virtuosity with words but severely limited our view on his empathy towards human character.