
One Door Door من عند Zavods'ke, Chernihivs'ka oblast, أوكرانيا من عند Zavods'ke, Chernihivs'ka oblast, أوكرانيا

قارئ One Door Door من عند Zavods'ke, Chernihivs'ka oblast, أوكرانيا

One Door Door من عند Zavods'ke, Chernihivs'ka oblast, أوكرانيا


Man, this series keeps getting better and better. This book focuses on Hope, the half-demon, but gives a first person view from Lucas, as well. Harrison is definitely opening the horizons and possibilities for this world even more. At first it was disconcerting to transition from one point of view to another, from chapter to chapter, especially as I thought this book would be Hope's book exclusively. But in the end, it really works in creating the story and moving the plot along. And knowing Lucas' motives and thoughts makes for a more personal view of Cabal life. Be ready for change and be ready to have a great ride!


I haven't actually finished reading this book. But I saw the movie and need to find out if the book actually ended that way. Cuz... uh... really???


The subtitle states, "Reflections on Raising Chickens." This has some comical accounts of the author's experiences with chickens. It has me laughing and is timely since I just bought my first set of hens. Here's an excerpt for you: "Had Ethel been human, she would have worn tweeds, had blue-rinsed hair and been keen on blood sports. She was a control freak who would stomp around the run letting everyone else know that in life's pecking order they were there to be pecked. Egg-laying appeared to b e something she did under sufferance--it got in the way of eating or yanking the feathers out of somebody else's neck." I have learned a lot about raising chickens--and had a good time reading it!