
Samet Zorer Zorer من عند Tinedla, الجزائر من عند Tinedla, الجزائر

قارئ Samet Zorer Zorer من عند Tinedla, الجزائر

Samet Zorer Zorer من عند Tinedla, الجزائر


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4.5 Stars I just have to say wow. I had really low expectations of this book by all the reviews which now leaves me absolutely puzzled. I can't see where people disliked the book. I thoroughly ENJOYED this book. I didn't want to put it down. I thought the book was well thought out in reference to the story line and I can't wait to read what happens to the rest of the characters. Maybe it was my low expectations but I really thought the plot line was refreshing from other historicals of tortured hero/heroine. The paranormal twist was good and since I like paranormal romances I enjoyed it. If you want strict historical this isn't your book. Charlotte makes a wish that unknowingly is granted due to an inheritance of a ring that apparently grants the wearer one wish. Since she is a spinster who is in love with her best friends brother that she has barely spoken a word to, the story that followed was a heartwarming tale. I also like that it wasn't a HEA abrupt ending. (I don't want to go into much detail because of spoilers) I hate when the book rushes an ending and I didn't feel this was rushed although Sebastian's and Rockhurst's "friendship" could have been played upon more but otherwise I loved this book. The book delivered (including some very steamy scenes that stole my heart --- and my breath!) I'm almost tempted to give it 5 stars but I will give it a solid 4.5 stars.