
Robert Posza Posza من عند La Isla, جواتيمالا من عند La Isla, جواتيمالا

قارئ Robert Posza Posza من عند La Isla, جواتيمالا

Robert Posza Posza من عند La Isla, جواتيمالا


Though this book is nonfiction at times it feels like it could be. I was impressed by the author's ability to take a complex story and scientific information and retell in in a way that was easy to follow. There are so many ethics issues here that it blows my mind. It really is a tragedy when thinking about our society and our treatment of people in general during this time in history. Though we have learned a lot through the science of it all what was the real cost? This book will really get you thinking and push your understanding of science as we know it.