
Kaloyan Sotirov Sotirov من عند Ардолайты, كازاخستان من عند Ардолайты, كازاخستان

قارئ Kaloyan Sotirov Sotirov من عند Ардолайты, كازاخستان

Kaloyan Sotirov Sotirov من عند Ардолайты, كازاخستان


Plot: Bill Bryson moved to England and on returning to his home country he was asked to write a weekly column about what life was like in the big country. The results, combined here to make a book, are funny and insightful, making you snigger. Full of descriptions and statistics. Characters: Mostly Bill, his family and a variety of American people. Style Of Writing: He is very funny, gets his point across in a humourous, sarcastic way and can laugh at himself and his own home town. Overall Opinion: Very good, some of the statistics started to get wearing but it was amusing to read about some of the American characters. Recommended If: You want short manageable chunks to read.