
Mulo Anthony Anthony من عند Saint-Nicolas-de-Bliquetuit, فرنسا من عند Saint-Nicolas-de-Bliquetuit, فرنسا

قارئ Mulo Anthony Anthony من عند Saint-Nicolas-de-Bliquetuit, فرنسا

Mulo Anthony Anthony من عند Saint-Nicolas-de-Bliquetuit, فرنسا


I was really surprised how much I loved this book. I'm sure I read it sometime back in high school, but I seem to have selective memory from that time period so I don't remember. Anyhow, this book was excellent!


Fascinated by that great storyteller Mississippi John Hurt's rendition, I picked this up after seeing it in the City Lights bookstore in San Francisco. While I'm not sure I'm immersed enough in the culture to judge whether Brown's hypothesis rings true, Stagolee was indeed a baaaad man. I note with interest that Cecil Brown has also written a book called 'Dude, Where's my Black Studies Department?'