
Rogerio Stray Stray من عند 24414 Compludo, León, إسبانيا من عند 24414 Compludo, León, إسبانيا

قارئ Rogerio Stray Stray من عند 24414 Compludo, León, إسبانيا

Rogerio Stray Stray من عند 24414 Compludo, León, إسبانيا


If only I had access to a big vacant lot next to my house, I'd be able to act on the inspiration i got from this book. I did enjoy reading it, but I wish she had spent more time focusing on her fruit trees/vegetables. I almost felt like the book was an argument for meat eating, so long as you know your meat personally, but it actually made me lean toward vegetarianism more. And I had a hard time getting over the author's need to be special (she was pretty enamored with how unique she is, but seemed detached from the real grittiness of the city), but that might just be because she reminded me too much of myself. Well, it's a good read - I recommend it.


I love this book! I read it a once a year and it makes me cry everytime. I highly recommend it.