
Rossi Design Design من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Rossi Design Design من عند نيويورك

Rossi Design Design من عند نيويورك


لقد قرأت هذا الكتاب عدة مرات. لم يتم كتابتها بشكل جيد بشكل مثير للدهشة ، لكن الفرضية والمفهوم باردان للغاية ... ماذا لو استطاع شخص ما أن يتعمق في الأثير ومعرفة من الذي كان شخصًا واحدًا يجمع مجتمعًا معًا؟ (تلميح: إنها ليست الشخصية السياسية أبدًا). ماذا لو كان ذلك الشخص قاتلًا يمكنه الهروب دون أن يصاب بأذى لأنه يمكن أن يتحول إلى شخص آخر تمامًا؟ أجد أن الأمر برمته مثيرًا للاهتمام وأن خطوط الفكر مثيرة للاهتمام ، خاصة وأن ما يُسمى عادةً الخيال هو مكتوب بعقلية علمية. قد أكون أنا فقط ، حيث أنني لم أجد أي شخص آخر قد قرأ الكتاب.


I wasn't sure about reading this book because it didn't sound like something I'd love but I did. I couldn't stop reading and I loved every page of it. The first thing I have to mention is the writing style. Saba's narrating style consists of abrupt, misspelled, grammatically-incorrect sentences. At the beginnig it was a bit confusing to but as you read you get used to it and understand how it fits in the whole story. What I liked most about the book was all the great and strong female characters. There is not one damsel in distress in Blood Red Road. Saba is stubborn, determined and willing to do anything to saver her brother. She reminded me constantly of Katsa from Graceling and Katniss Everdeen. The romance is sweet but not overwhelming. Although I'm usually a fan of love stories, I appreciated it not overshadowing the adventure. Jack is sweet, likeable and most importantly, he understands Saba and doesn't try to be her Prince Charming. He lets her do what she needs to do. Blood Red Road is a dystopian with some unique twist, a lot of girl power and a big adventure. If you enjoy dystopian novels I really think you should give this one a chance


Martin continues to do epic character and world-building in this installment, including some POV chapters that border on the poetic. Awesome, awesome stuff, especially if you - like me - take it slowly and allow yourself to become immersed in the world. There ARE cliffhangers, as to be expected in an ongoing series, so hopefully he can get the next one out a little bit faster this time! :-)