
Sun Maymay Maymay من عند Botyn, Volyns'ka oblast, أوكرانيا من عند Botyn, Volyns'ka oblast, أوكرانيا

قارئ Sun Maymay Maymay من عند Botyn, Volyns'ka oblast, أوكرانيا

Sun Maymay Maymay من عند Botyn, Volyns'ka oblast, أوكرانيا


As much as I LOVE zombie books, I honestly couldn't get into this one. I was all excited to start this book, but when I started to get further into the story, I almost gave up. Mary is just never happy with what she has. Ever. She is a very useless character who wallows in self pity. This book was also very slow, nothing really happens until the middle of the story.