
Cham Xinru Xinru من عند Barzyna, بولندا من عند Barzyna, بولندا

قارئ Cham Xinru Xinru من عند Barzyna, بولندا

Cham Xinru Xinru من عند Barzyna, بولندا


قراءة ممتعة جدا وسهلة الطائش.


I read this book in a day as I traveled from Philidelphia to Laramie, Wyoming. Couldn't put it down. This ground-breaking and highly influential book transformed the field of evolutionary biology by arguing that natural selection acts on genes and genes alone - effects on organisms and species being secondary products of this. Prior to it's authorship evolution was more concerned with "good of the species" arguments. After this book, the cutting edge fields of homeobox genes, genome sequencing, and evolutionary pscyology became possible. For anyone wanting an understanding of evolution this book comes a close second after Darwin's own Origin of Species.