
Konrad Basan Basan من عند بلدة سويتووتر، ميشيغان، الولايات المتحدة من عند بلدة سويتووتر، ميشيغان، الولايات المتحدة

قارئ Konrad Basan Basan من عند بلدة سويتووتر، ميشيغان، الولايات المتحدة

Konrad Basan Basan من عند بلدة سويتووتر، ميشيغان، الولايات المتحدة


هذا هو المثال المثالي لماذا أحب بعض كتب الأطفال: يُجبر شخص بالغ على التعبير عن أفكار معقدة بطريقة بسيطة وموجزة.


I had no desire to read Elizabeth Bishop before, I think because, while "One Art" is obviously a tight poem, I was never bowled over by it. (I've never typed out "bowled over" before. It doesn't look right.) Then I read an article on The Millions about her and it quoted some irresistibly good poetry. So I took this book out of the library. Not only does it have a kick-ass cover design (this is the original printing), but the poems are so good. Not just well-written, but filled with goodness. Maybe bravery. As with any book of poems, I don't love every single one, but there are so many stunners, poems that I would read and then have to read again. And then sit. And then go back and read again. And I still don't feel like I've processed them enough. They're simple on the surface - Bishop uses plain-faced language and description-- but they take wonderful turns in meaning. She's especially good with colors. I feel like reading these poems has shored up my brain in some essential way.


Clever story of the relationship developed with a pet, no matter how rambumbious