
Spoorti Parvatikar Parvatikar من عند Campo de Arañuelo, Toledo, إسبانيا من عند Campo de Arañuelo, Toledo, إسبانيا

قارئ Spoorti Parvatikar Parvatikar من عند Campo de Arañuelo, Toledo, إسبانيا

Spoorti Parvatikar Parvatikar من عند Campo de Arañuelo, Toledo, إسبانيا


Ever wanted to try a new restaurant but lost the patience to wait for your friends' schedules to open up so you end up going by yourself? And then you go to that restaurant for the first time and realize that you're the only one who is dining by yourself after looking around the dining area? That odd mixture of liberation mixed with total self-consciousness is how I felt the first time I read Beckett. This was my intro to him and I loved every moment of it.