
Tzuyoh Sato Sato من عند Oshikango, ناميبيا من عند Oshikango, ناميبيا

قارئ Tzuyoh Sato Sato من عند Oshikango, ناميبيا

Tzuyoh Sato Sato من عند Oshikango, ناميبيا


I thought that this book was my favorite from the Trilogy because it had the most action and detail I thought. I had some good fun with it and it had a different ending in the moving.


** spoiler alert ** This book took me quite a while to finish. Admittedly, I had it in the car and was only reading it a few minutes here and there while waiting to pick up my kindergardener. While it had many helpful ideas and tips- I would not say that there was ever a WOW moment. I am Catholic, but it was just a little too preachy for me. I did like how the author pulled stories both from the bible and other walks of life to demonstrate her key points. So, what did I "learn" from this book? Be quick with praise and encouragement. Let them try different things to find out what they are good at. Be thankful for what you have. Be a fire builder: love your husband, respect him, enjoy him. Friendship are important: make them a priority, build on common interests, encourage them. Celebrate special days. Read great books to your kids. Be patient. Discipline your child on the 3 d's: disobedience, disrespect, dishonesty. Find their motivation and use it. Make sure they understand why, dole out punishment quickly and without anger, renew the relationship. Probably my favorite chapter was the one on making family traditions. Celebrate Birthdays- use a special plate, make their favorite meals, have parties. She then listed major holidays and various traditions you could start to make them special occasions.