Jes من عند Bogorodskoye, Moskovskaya oblast', روسيا، 142167
** spoiler alert ** Not being a big fan of Twilight I avoided this book like the plague until a friend suggested I give it a chance, and I'm so glad I did. Yes, her writing style leaves a lot to be desired, and yes, there are chapters where hardly anything happens to the overall plot. But the IDEA, the idea was superb! It's not often we get the alien's perspective, and such a sympathetic one too that I was genuinely choked up by Wanda's decision to free Mel at the cost of her own life. The only thing I will say that annoyed me was the lack of a reunion scene between Jared and Mel. For obvious reasons it wasn't included, but after all that build up it would have been nice to see.
It was a little dry at parts, but got very moist as the ages wore on. At times, the protagonists can be moralistic, but not without good cause. There is not really a cohesive theme throughout the whole thing, but all of the stories combined make for a good read. I think this was another first book for the author--can't wait to see the next one!