AnnAnn Fong Fong من عند 29150 El Curato, Málaga, إسبانيا
أنا أحب هذه القصة. يجعلني أرغب في العودة إلى المدرسة ودراسة التاريخ. أنا أحب أن ديانا لديها العمود الفقري على عكس بعض الشخصيات الأخرى في الحب مع مصاص دماء كما أنها ليست مراهقة عالقة في الحب مما يجعلها أكثر relatable بالنسبة لي. كانت القصة بطيئة في البداية ولكن في حوالي الفصل 30 لم أتمكن من وضعها. أخذت القصة تطورًا وتحولت مع مرور الوقت وهو أمر لم أتوقعه أبدًا. لا استطيع الانتظار لمعرفة ما لدى ديبورا في متجر لنا القراء.
Petra, who would have known, would get to knock some boots with bean.
I read this book a long time ago [in middle school?:]. Then, again, in L.A., 2000--when they had the bright idea... I'm not being sarcastic... of having a whole city try to read the same book. I even went and saw Ray Bradbury himself give a speech. Fantastic. And Joe Montegna [as Fat Tony, on the Simpsons:]. Bradbury mentioned that Mel Gibson had the rights to the movie then. [I actually like the Truffaut version.:] Bradbury said: "Wad up the book, and stuff it in the camera." But quoting someone else.] Then, I heard maybe Tom Hanks was going to be Guy Montag. What a mistake--same thing with Da Vinci [although I don't care about that, that much, equally:]. Get someone younger, bigger, like Russel Crowe? or Vin Diesel, God bless him. So, anyhow...Oh, yeah. And I'll never forgive Teri Gross [fr/ NPR:], for insulting the L.A. fireman, on that occasion. (Wait. And I think this was after 9-11, when we were supposed to respect fireman.) So they had a chief of the fireman there [for irony, right?--or significance:]. His squad had been reading it, also. So she said--to make a joke: "I imagine this is different reading than you usually have around the Fire Department. Like pornographic magazines, right?" Something like that. The fire chief was like "Huh?" I like the book! It's almost too famous to comment on. See my comments on "Something Wicked This Way Comes." I think, on one hand, that Bradbury is one of the greatest. B/c he tries so hard. Every line has to be poetry. Doesn't just care about the story overall [like pulp fiction, like...IDK: Stephen King, for example?]. On the other hand, maybe he tries too hard. So that it seems a little overwrought? Is that possible?