Widefocus Photography Photography من عند 362 50 Östad, السويد
I tried to read this and got about 100 pages into it. Whether due to the topic of the book or trying to fit real reading time in while being my spouse is deployed, I'm not sure why I couldn't get more in to it. Interesting insights and I would like to actually finish it, but I had to return it to the library after already renewing it once before.
This book goes into Roland's past, and explains some of the reason he is the way he is. It goes into a lot of detail about that year (give or take) that he spent in Hambry, and the whole-lot-of-nothing that he did there. His past could have been summarized a little bit. I remember the first time I read the series this book took the longest to read, and it's proving to be the same the second time around.