من عند Kępa Solecka, بولندا
It has come to my attention that all YA books are practically the same thing just with different covers and titles. You know that cliche plot where the new school girl arrives school, does not fit in at first, then falls in love with the hottest guy who keeps secret because he wants to protect her. Yeah that one..... If I could not tell what disaster this book was going to be after looking at this book, then I'm probably also a cliche dumb girl as well. Honestly, look at the cover, I have the same set of pictures on my microsoft word clip-art, I KID YOU NOT. It doesn't cost more than sixty euros to get a respectable good cover, honestly, what is happening. The author starts off with an intriguing opening about this heroine who is psychic. With her writing style, she manages to breathe life into the world in which her characters live, but fast forward a few pages, and you can tell the rest of the story word for word, even without looking, again I KID YOU NOT. Yeah this was a tasteless paranormal soup. There were pointless shape shifter and oh yes vampires. Hasn't anyone heard about the saying that at times little is enough. In a nutshell, the characters were flat out superficial, the author seemed to have done a marsh up of several popular YA books, and branded them into chapters, and gave us HAVEN. I am speechless, seriously, and I blame Stephanie Meyer for this. I seriously do...
The first post-9/11 book that doesn't exploit the event as a springboard for politics. Amazingly written, and the perspective of the boy is brilliantly innocent and thoughtful.