
Shailesh Mhatre Mhatre من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Shailesh Mhatre Mhatre من عند نيويورك

Shailesh Mhatre Mhatre من عند نيويورك


You HAVE to read "Good In Bed" before you read this book. I read it several years ago, and I was still confused in a few places. I was able to catch up, but I could see where it would be a little frustrating for a new reader. Or not- you don't know what you don't know, right? Maybe it was just frustrating for me b/c I couldn't remember a specific detail from the 1st book, but it didn't change understanding this book. Anyways- this is an awesome book. I liked it b/c it is not only a 'chitlit'/easy beach read, but it could be considered educational. :) The lead characters are Jewish and talk of holidays and traditions I had never heard of. I enjoyed learning about the culture through the book. I like exposure to different ways of life without an agenda getting shoved down my throat. I don't want to put any spoilers in here...BUT- I must warn you..if you take this book anywhere in public, take tissues. Seriously- there are quite a few tearjerkering moments in here. I listened to this on audiobook while painting my bedroom, and I cried like a baby. I had to sit down and just listen several times. I am glad I was listening to it on CD and not reading it b/c I would never have gotten anything done. I would not have set it down. Enjoy!!!