
DarkBox Creative Creative من عند Semlibari, Madhya Pradesh, الهند من عند Semlibari, Madhya Pradesh, الهند

قارئ DarkBox Creative Creative من عند Semlibari, Madhya Pradesh, الهند

DarkBox Creative Creative من عند Semlibari, Madhya Pradesh, الهند


Offspring adore this book. They follow along with the roaring, and they shriek with delight when dinosaur does the potty dance. And given that they are sometimes resistant to stopping what they are doing to go to the bathroom, I like being able to remind them of Dinosaur.


Good survey of US history from WWII to the seventies. Very good on the presidency, race relations and foreign affairs, especially the Korean and the Vietnam war. Arguments about society and the economy based on numbers, although sources uncertain.