
من عند Puiseux-en-France, فرنسا من عند Puiseux-en-France, فرنسا

قارئ من عند Puiseux-en-France, فرنسا

من عند Puiseux-en-France, فرنسا


In this Jack of Fables collection, we get a glimpse into Jack's past from a few hundred years ago, one of his early encounters with Bigby Wolf. And apparently, we are gearing up with a lot of the present-day stories in the book for a big giant crossover story with Fables, focusing on the Literals from the book (like Mr. Revise and Gary, the Pathetic Fallacy), which I think is fascinating. I'm not sure yet what the story at the beginning of this book with Bigby Wolf has to do with the rest of the story, but I trust all will be revealed in time :) I have nothing but love for Fables and Jack, so I enjoyed this thoroughly and recommend both series for anyone to read.


The first quarter of the book offers a simple and helpful overview of Ayervedic tradition and framework. The rest is a straightforward reference and classification of primarily Western Herbs broken down into their Ayervedic properties. Lesson Learned: One goal of life is to cultivate the potential for open and spontaneous joy rather than the tendency, as we age, towards experiencing joy in narrower and more particular ranges.


I am reading this slowly. There's a great deal of important info and I am trying to assimilate it. I am not a science type, so it is difficult going for me. That's why I keep three or so books going at a time. Yet I feel we all need to know about the impending ecological world crisis and how we might avert it.