
Renaud Tournier Tournier من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Renaud Tournier Tournier من عند نيويورك

Renaud Tournier Tournier من عند نيويورك


Molly Murphy is a detective in New York City at the turn of the century who is hired to trace the family of a supposed orphan. However, when her client's friends begin dying in rapid succession, Molly is determined to prove that it's not simply influenza that killed them but something more devious. Reading this book was an odd experience. I found the writing itself to be self-conscious and clunky. I figured out "whodunnit" by the halfway point. Yet I couldn't put it down. Perhaps it was the author's incorporation of ideas like the suffrage movement and the relatively primitive status of medicine in the early 20th century. Or perhaps it was just the kind of quick, light read I needed. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a brain candy novel. But if you insist on fluid, eloquent writing and plot twists, this isn't your kind of mystery.


The vehicle of Jack's perspective from such a unique upbringing was brilliant. I was riveted.


2 brothers play with their imaginary friends instead of each other until they realize they miss each other.