
Daniel Rams Rams من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Daniel Rams Rams من عند نيويورك

Daniel Rams Rams من عند نيويورك


It's weird...it makes you feel like THIS is the epic book, not Ender's Game. Because who wants to read a parallel novel about the character who is nothing compared to the main character of book one? So Card flips your thinking around. He fearlessly reveals weaknesses of Ender's that neither we nor Ender noticed in book one...Bean has to have some advantage, right? And we definitely see why Bean matters here. He is the real star of the show...but not quite. What I love about this books is it makes you question who the real hero is. Sure, I still think it's Ender...but Bean is really, really up there. I have one question, a random one...so you know when Bean (this is in EG too) is attached to the 'deadwire' in the battleroom? Well there's scene in this book that goes into it a little more...they're in the zero-G battleroom and Bean is suspended by the wire...when he hits its tether, you know when the wire becomes taut, he kind of swings around and mentions the extra burst of speed that comes with this action. Is it just me, or is this impossible? He would be going at the same speed he was already going, if anything a tiny bit slower? I kind of understand if there was gravity, but without it it doesn't totally make sense. Right? Anyway. Bean is pretty cool. Ender is pretty cool. It's nice to see Ender's awesomeness through Bean's eyes, so I loved that, it's just that you see his weaknesses too so that hurts a little... ME: NO!! Ender was infallible, flawless! Don't question him! He's perfect! Oh well, I'll have to deal with it. This book is really long, and in the last quarter right before the climax it gets super boring. In my opinion. Just a bit of drag, where I wished I could pass the pages reading about Ender instead, or at least Bean being interesting again. For most of the book I was thinking maybe I liked ES a little bit more than Ender's Game but in those dragging parts where I just wanted to reread EG...I don't know. They're worthy competition for each other, though! 4.5 stars or so.