
Jenna Brown Brown من عند 2054 Auggenthal, النمسا من عند 2054 Auggenthal, النمسا

قارئ Jenna Brown Brown من عند 2054 Auggenthal, النمسا

Jenna Brown Brown من عند 2054 Auggenthal, النمسا


Having a hard time with this I'm putting it aside for a while


The mystery had me riveted to the very end - didn't see it coming too, and the relationship between Vic and Jacob was more interesting than ever, no small feat given that they have been together for a while now. Plus, an array of secondary characters every bit as intriguing as the main couple. We don't see a lot of Faun or Debbie and yet I get a grasp of their personalities, how does Ms. Castillo do it? The next book can't come too son, and I really, really hope Con Dreyfuss is on it.