
Edouard Steegmann Steegmann من عند Hughenden Valley, Buckinghamshire, المملكة المتحدة من عند Hughenden Valley, Buckinghamshire, المملكة المتحدة

قارئ Edouard Steegmann Steegmann من عند Hughenden Valley, Buckinghamshire, المملكة المتحدة

Edouard Steegmann Steegmann من عند Hughenden Valley, Buckinghamshire, المملكة المتحدة


ترجمة: المصحة كيف حماقة هذا هارولد بينتر!


Wow, where do I start!? This book was simply astounding, but heartbreaking and infuriating all at the same time! It really puts the true meaning of being poor and doing without into stark perspective, but what really tortured me throughout is the pure selfishness of the parents and their children's willingness to continually stay faithful to them despite this. It just goes to show how faithful a child is to their parent despite all their faults. This story just kept me riveted, especially as I already knew what the ending would be but wanted to know how the hell the author would arrive there. The incredibly descriptive way she tells her difficult tale was addictive and completely engrossing! If you like reading books about those who face the worst life has to offer only to pull themselves up time and again to succeed in the end, then this is the book for you. My heart just swelled with pride for this woman as she overcame hardships that seemed virtually impossible. I even felt a bit teary from time to time when she was so close to accomplishing a goal only to have it dashed once a again by one of her parents.