
Piero Visconti Visconti من عند 27543 O Castro, Lugo, إسبانيا من عند 27543 O Castro, Lugo, إسبانيا

قارئ Piero Visconti Visconti من عند 27543 O Castro, Lugo, إسبانيا

Piero Visconti Visconti من عند 27543 O Castro, Lugo, إسبانيا


I'm sure everyone who reads this book will experience it differently, depending on the reason for reading it. I found parts of it incredibly helpful in dealing with some very painful personal stuff. My one complaint is that the last 1/3 or so felt very repetitive--while I sped through the beginning, I felt bored by the end. Overall though I would highly recommend it as something of an introduction to how Buddhist principles can help us through challenges.