Rajat Pal Pal من عند Keelaneelidanallur, Tamil Nadu 627953، الهند
جعلني أبكي وأبكي. جيد. حزين. لغز قليلا. تستمر قليلاً ، لكن البتات الجيدة جيدة جدًا ، لا أهتم. احترس من الفصل الذي يحرض على التنقيب على وشك اقتراب نهاية الكتاب.
الآن كانت هذه السيدة شجاعة. كانت تعرف ما بدأ النسويات في القتال لمائة عام بعد ذلك. أحب الإعداد لويزيانا كذلك.
مذكرات مثيرة للاهتمام تؤرخ في السنة بعد وفاة زوجها ... جزء من التفكير في الحزن ، جزء من رحلة غريبة في الذاكرة ، ولكن مكتوبة بشكل جيد وتستحق القراءة.
I read this book specifically because of my work with kids on the spectrum (Autism Spectrum). I loved this book because the main character reminds me so much of my favorite student (I know we shouldn't have favorites, but we all do.) The funny thing is that when I asked this student if he read this book, he said, "I didn't like the main character. He was a punk." HA! The irony. The most interesting thing about this book is not only the main character, but the overall tone and layout of the book. It's got that certain amount of distance from the "rest" of us that Asperger's kids often claim to experience. The visual aspects of the book and the disconnect from silly "rest of us" things like gossip, abstract ideas, and the little mindgames that humans play ("Honey do I look fat in this dress?") are captured so well in this book that it made me think about how alien non-Asperger's people really are. We're the strange creatures. My students--people on the spectrum--are the logical ones. The rest of us are nuts about heaps silly things. The ending disappointed me, or I would have given this five stars.